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Monday, August 13, 2018

Omarosa claims to have secretly recorded Jared and Ivanka

She says she’s got Javanka on tape, too. Jilted ex-“Apprentice” star and former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman has told friends and associates that she has tapes of private phone calls from first daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, according to two sources with whom she has discussed the recording. She claims her stash of recordings — which she is dribbling out to keep the publicity machine going around the release of her new book “Unhinged” — includes a condolence call she received from the couple the day after she was fired by chief of staff John Kelly last December. Both Trump and Kushner can be heard wishing Manigault Newman the best and telling her they had no idea her head was on the chopping block, according to the people with whom she has discussed the call. Manigault Newman’s claim about the new tape provides additional confirmation that she was looking to build a case not only against Trump, whom she alleges has been recorded by others using the “N-word,” but also against his top aides and family members. Though she conceded that the president dispatched Kelly to push her out of the White House, she has also argued that “Donald Trump has no idea what’s going on in the White House.” The Kushner-Trump tape would indicate two of his senior advisers were not clued in on key personnel changes — or claimed not to be. And it would show them offering emotional support to Manigault Newman even after Kelly pushed her out for ethical breaches — capturing on tape the power play between the family and the four-star general that has played out in the White House since Kelly joined the administration. Neither Manigault Newman nor the White House immediately responded to a request for comment. On Monday, Manigault Newman released a tape of a phone call from the president claiming ignorance she had been axed. The president, who has recently taken to calling her a “lowlife,” responded with a series of tweets blasting Manigault Newman, who earned nearly $180,000 as a White House staffer, as somebody who “would constantly miss meetings & work” but who “said GREAT things about me.” Manigault Newman is in the midst of a media blitz surrounding the publication of her book, set for release on Tuesday, which recounts her time in the Trump White House. In the book, she describes watching what she believes has been the president’s precipitous mental decline. She is selling herself as the ultimate Trump insider, who has known Trump, as well as family members like Ivanka, for 15 years. She also says her time in the White House, where she worked for just under a year and ran defense for the president, even backing him in the wake of last year’s Charlottesville fiasco, opened her eyes to the president’s racism. In a tell-all interview on Sunday with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” she copped to complicity not only in covering for the president on race but in deceiving the American people. “I was complicit with this White House deceiving this nation,” she said. “They continue to deceive this nation by how mentally declined he is, how difficult it is for him to process complex information, how he is not engaged in some of the most important decisions that impacts our country. I was complicit and for that I regret.” If Manigault Newman’s primary target may be the president, but she has also taken shots at Kelly, arguing that he intimidated her and threatened to destroy her reputation. She released a tape Sunday recorded in the White House Situation Room where Kelly can be heard urging her to leave the White House without a fuss. “I’d like to see this be a friendly departure,” Kelly says on the tape. “There are pretty significant legal issues that we hope don’t develop into something that, that’ll make it ugly for you.” When Manigault Newman asks whether the president is aware of what’s transpiring, he replies, “The staff, and everybody on the staff, works for me and not the president.” On Sunday, Manigault Newman took issue with that statement, asking NBC News’ Chuck Todd, “You don’t have a problem with that, Chuck? It tells you that Donald Trump has no idea what’s going on in the White House.” The Trump-Kushner tape, if or when she releases it, will serve to demonstrate that his daughter and son-in-law claimed ignorance, too. source: #Headlines by: (Annie Karni) Original Post:

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